Go Bravely Coaching Course

A flagship coaching course designed for high-achieving women to reclaim their bravery in 3 days!


Break free from fear and live a more brave life!

One of the biggest reasons why many high-achieving women are not as productive as they can be is because they constantly question themselves. This habit of doubting one's self leads to a vicious cycle of imposter syndrome, procrastination and fear. 

Inside this flagship Course, you will join Dr-Shelly-Ann for 3 days of pre-recorded, immersive, high-performance coaching sessions intended to get to the root cause of what's holding you back from bravery and methods on how to reclaim your bravery in quick time! 


"Dr. Shelly-Ann’s coaching and mentorship has equipped me with greater confidence, clarity and direction towards pursuing my goals"

Dr. Shelly-Ann's coaching and mentorship has the ability to cut right through to an individual’s main challenges and roadblocks offering guidance which leads to the discovery of your own answers.

Nikita Kissoon

As a high-achieiving woman you're subject to being overly judged, misunderstood and mistreated"


This might probably be your current emotional state right now.

The depth of being misunderstood is isolating and it has caused you to dim your light, overwork to prove your worthiness, doubt yourself and walk on eggshells.  

The Result: A powerful woman silenced, overworked and not seeing the fruits of her labor.

The Consequence: A powerful woman delaying the brave decisions that can change the trajectory of her life.


What do you get?

3 Days of Coaching 

With Dr. Shelly-Ann as your online coach, this Course dedicates 3 days to your introspection and unfolding as she teaches the principles of her mantra, Go Bravely

40 page workbook

Exercises and resources with each lesson designed to help you introspect and track your progress as you go bravely 

Decision Checklist 

Not sure what decisions need to be made in your life to live more bravely? No worries, we've curated a decision checklist so you can begin taking brave action in core areas of your life to see quick results.

Lifetime Access

This Coaching Program is designed to grow with you and support you on your journey to powerful self-leadership and performance.

Bespoke Methodologies

Never before shared methodologies shared by Dr. Shelly-Ann on how to go bravely and what she did to step into her life mantra 

Lifetime Access to Course


Valued at $10,000USD

  • Learn the secret ingredient to going bravely
  • Bespoke coaching guidance
  • Free productivity downloadable
  • Free decision making checklist for a braver life
  • 40 Page Downloadable workbook
  • Access to performance framework never before shared
  • Lifetime Access to Course and all its updates 
  • Opportunity to book a 30 minute Ignite Call with Dr. Shelly-Ann if you qualify
  • Certificate of Completion

How I became BRAVE...

Hey Beautiful Soul!

I'm Dr. Shelly-Ann, the CEO of Alphastute LLC, Founder of the global women's Mentorship Community Go Bravely Mentorship Community, Author, Academic, Former Attorney and Wife and Mama. I hold a PhD in Management from King's College London and I love researching, teaching and talking about all things female leadership and performance management. 

Having navigated high stakes professional fields such as law, business and academia and doing so as a Black, Caribbean woman internationally I know all to well the pain and fury of being overly judged and silenced.

Throughout my professional career I have had the esteemed pleasure of sitting on boards, holding leadership positions, managing people and succeeding in foreign terrain. Someone outside looking in would probably think I was smashing it at leadership and taking up space and whilst I was... I was emotionally tired of placing my effort and energy in the wrong places and spiralling into a dark trap of self-doubt.

I was over having to constantly overrepresent myself to validate my seat at the table and I was truly exhausted by the overrepresentation cycle.

This lead to me masculinising my identity and leadership style and I was doing more but really misaligned. This took me further and further away from the one thing I longed for: My Truth.

My Journey to Bravery really started when I made the brave decision to leave the legal profession and start over. It was the scariest most darkest time in my life. 

Over the next couple of years I spent time recreating my identity, making radical life changes which included migration and unlocking high-performance. I found bravery and unearthed my now life mantra GO BRAVELY.

Admittedly, the journey to bravely stepping into my truth was tough work but I am so glad I started it.

The secret to high-performance is really in mastering your self-leadership, something that anyone can accomplish with the right guidance and support.

In this flagship Course, I am honoured to share with you my, EXACT step by step framework on how to Go Bravely and create more alignment and productivity for yourself without compromising your authentic self. If anyone knows about bravery and self-leadership I believe I do and I'm going to share with you all I know to help you bravely embody the one thing that matters most: Your Truth. 

See You In Class!



This Program IS for you if...

  • You feel a DEEP feeling of SETTLING for less than you deserve 
  • You are ready to go to the next level of success but need to identify WHAT is holding you back
  • You are ready to TRUST yourself more
  • You desire to learn a PRODUCTIVITY FLOW 
  • You need COMMUNITY to help you stay productive
  • You often WORRY about and prioritise other people's OPINIONS about you 
  • You often engage in NEGATIVE SELF TALK 
  • You feel INSECURE most times and desire more confidence in how you manage yourself and your time
  • You long for more QUIET time to hear your inner voice and do less and win more
  • You are ready to take ACTION in your life


This Program is NOT for you if:

  • You are not ready to DEDICATE TIME to your introspection and development
  • You are not committed to TAKING ACTION in your life
  • You are seeking a QUICK FIX for your under-performance
  • You are UNWILLING to hold yourself accountable for your life

Hear from HER:

Would like to know what it's like to be coached by Dr. Shelly-Ann via this Course. Hear from some of our clients that have been powerfully impacted by the contents of this Course.


"In all my 35 years I think this is the first time I've taken such an in depth look at myself "

Dr. Shelly, I had one consultation with you in the past and you are the ONLY person I've ever had a consultation with and felt like I gained or learnt anything. In all my 35 years I think this is the first time I've taken such an in depth look at myself and what's preventing me from the life I truly desire. I completed feeling empowered, grateful, confident and sooo brave. I needed this and I know it has contributed to my future self.

Tornia Charles

"This Course has helped me release fear and negative self-talk"

This course has truly blessed my soul!!! The Visualization reflection piece definitely touched me it had me in tears. I needed that extra push to dig deep within myself to see what was holding me back from my full potential. Thank you for this course it was very eye opening.

Latoya Johnson

I have completely taken control over the time in my days and ultimately my life!

 As a mom of 2 boys and business owner I am a busy woma and need to make the most of my time! I've been able to do just that in my time working with Shelly. I have completely taken control over the time in my days and ultimately my life. Especially when implementing her weekly planner and time optimising tools i acquired from her 3-day Course. It has taken the stress of "not having time" out of my life completely! I own my time now!


Carly Gray 



"All I can say is WOW! "

This course has really spotlighted so many areas that I overlooked. The confidence blindspot was an eye opener and the tools used to manage my energy integration....PRICELESS.

Rylan Chesley

"Working with Dr Gajadhar is an intensive and challenging process of self-discovery and interrogation".

I am a better leader and professional today and I can say unreservedly that my medium to long-term career success will be rooted in the foundations provided by this coaching period.

Cherise Trotman

"Dr. Shelly-Ann’s coaching and mentorship has equipped me with greater confidence, clarity and direction towards pursuing my goals"

Dr. Shelly-Ann's coaching and mentorship has the ability to cut right through to an individual’s main challenges and roadblocks offering guidance which leads to the discovery of your own answers.

Nikita Kissoon

It's time to embody your essence and stop walking out on your dreams! 

It's time to deeply hold sacred space for Your Truth.

You're not where you should be because you haven't had intentional time for you.

With this Course you can finally hear your OWN voice without all the noise.

The Result: A powerful woman in powerful self-leadership and bravery.


Frequently Asked Questions